—> auctions
Benjamin Smith is with Gnosis
Decent exchange: mutli-token batch auctions; gamified order maching
Eth as transaction register: minimal on chain storage; data availability, finalization
Dfusion PoC: a stable-coin exchange
Think of Batch auctions as an optimization problem: orders collected between a token pair over a batch time; computation of uniform clearing prices to maximize trader’s utility, subject to: limit orders, price coherence, arbitrage freeness, and preserved value. + Settlement.
Higher dimensions: three-token trading rings.
On-chain scaling via snapp: account balances are represented by root hashes; transactions are collected on chain as payload, hashed tl H(t). Anyone can process by proposing state transitions, along w a snark proof, leads to scaling in this case.
Batching details: transition types - deposit, withdraw, auction settlement.
Requests: made to a contract, call-data emitted as an event (broadcast as logs); Processing: processed in batches, uploaded.
Current proof of concept: a stablecoin exchange: entirely on-chain (not scaled), converting stable coins w/ slippage under .1% . Uniswap-like on-boarding.